Talent Management in Educational Institutions between Reality and Expectation (A Spot Light on Competencies Industry Circle in the Educational Institutions)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Education Foundations Department, Faculty of Education, University of Damietta, Egypy

2 Acting Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Applied Science University-Bahrain



Abstract: Talent Management is a necessity for institutions to be able to achieve change and development. This calls for identifying creative abilities of the institutions' staff. Thus, it is necessary to focus on individuals' qualities and characteristics in order to discover their talents, abilities and efficiencies, so as, they do not to be deprived of caring and developing, on the other hand, work does not miss better chances for progress. The talented have several characteristics, such as: compatible with oneself and with others, able to deal with situation one's faces, careful observer, eager to learn, able to tackle and examine problems, concentrated, attentive, able to accept opinions and suggestions of others, energetic and active, talented value time, ask precise and significant questions during discussions, they are extremely vigilant and aware in addition to being not hesitated to tackle big problems. Therefore, it is necessary for administrative body of educational institutions to have a set of specifications and skills that enable them to deal with people with such distinctive characteristics. They also have to do several roles that can provide competitive advantage, achieve talents comprehensive development through managing skills and expertise that support development and creating systems help self – development of the staff.
