قابلية طلبة جامعة الأقصى نحو دمج ذوي الحاجات الخاصة في التعميم الجامعي وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات Al-Aqsa University Students' Acceptance of Incorporating Students of Special Needs in University learning in Relation to Some Variables.

Document Type : Original Article


Psychology Section, Education College, Gaza, Palestine



The study aimed at determining the acceptance level of Al-Aqsa University students for incorporating people with special needs in university learning in relation to some variables. The analytical descriptive method was utilized, and a sample consisting of 282 female and male students was selected from Alqsa University. A scale for measuring acceptability of incorporating university students wit special needs was developed by the researcher. Data analysis revealed that Al-Aqsa University students' acceptability of incorporating other students with special needs in university learning was generally positive, i.e., the score of the participants' attitudes towards the handicapped was 83.97%; and was of 78.6% towards the visually handicapped and finally towards a family having a handicapped person was also positive. Moreover, the study indicated that while there were significant differences between the means of the participants' acceptability attributed to sex, there were none significant differences attributed to academic level and a family having a handicapped person.
