أثر الأنشطة الرياضية في الحد من الاضطرابات الادراكية البصرية المرتبطة بالصعوبات النمائية لدى تلاميذ السنة الأولى ابتدائي The Impact of Sports Activities in the Reduction of Visual Cognitive Associated With Developmental Difficulties among Students' First Year Primary School

Document Type : Original Article


Physical and Sports Activities Programs Accessment Laboratory, Physical and Mathematical Institute of Education, University of Mostaganem, Algeria.



The research aims to investigate the impact of the use of sports activities in the reduction of visual cognitive associated with developmental difficulties among students' first year in primary school. Where researchers used the experimental method adopting two measurements pre and post, for two groups (15 males for experimental and the control) their age are between (6-8years).
After the statistical treatment we confirm that The use of sporting activities contributing factor in the diagnosis and reduction of visual disturbances associated with learning difficulties in the early years of primary pupils. Where our results confirm that Visual synergies locomotor sports Games activities can be tailored to match the developmental level of the child to maximize fun and participation. (James Puffer, 2002, p. 344).
